  • Lucas Murrey
  • 19 September 2024
  • 685

Dr. Murrey Report - 18 September 2024

Defendant Kelly Gibbons Admits Under Oath

That Facebook and its Forum AWDTSG

Paid Her To “Delete” i.e. Murder Dr. Murrey



for those of you following my lawsuit against Facebook and its groups I’d like to share with you a few updates: First of all, defendant Kelly Gibbons who played a central role in the gang-stalking, severe defamation and cyberbullying of my person on Facebook has recently been forced to admit under oath the following:


1) That she has never met me;

2) that Gibbons defamed me in countless posts for years on Facebook;

3) that Gibbons posted about me on Facebook anonymously;

4) that she posted my personal information on Facebook without my consent i.e. “doxed” me;

5) that Gibbons did this to tens of millions on Facebook and other platforms; Gibbons has also been forced to admit under oath that:

6) she maliciously kept all of her criminal activity on Facebook to harm me a secret i.e. she not only never informed me, but she actively tried to hide her conspiracy of harm from me; Gibbons also admitted under oath that:

7) she knew that the Facebook forums refused to let me join them after I became aware of her Facebook conspiracy. This means that Gibbons intended to abuse free speech to harm me while at the same time denying me my right to free speech.

Gibbons has further been forced to admit under oath that:

8) she was paid by Facebook and its groups including, but not limited to “Are We Dating The Same Guy” (“AWDTSG”), as well as by online dating platforms such as Matchgroup, Hinge, Tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, Raya, Upward and others. Let that sink in.

Gibbons was forced to admit under oath by the court that:

9) she received monetary compensation and rewards such as Facebook “points” to carry out her conspiracy to harm me. Think about that. Gibbons has been forced to admit under oath that:

10) while being paid by Facebook and other platforms to harm me she also sought to “delete” me from all mainstream platforms online, including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Youtube, Apple, TikTok, Weibo, RED, etc. 

This is important because Gibbons’ employment by Facebook to secretly assassinate and “delete” Americans like myself is linked death threats on Facebook e.g. by Mark Allen DeLisle aka Mark D. DeLisle who is clearly working with Gibbons to harm me. In response to Gibbons [Mark] DeLisle who I have never met and who I do not know, states: “Dude should have been put six (6) feet under [earth] in the desert somewhere with [some] pepper on top already.” [Mark] DeLisle went on to say in regard to my person: “He needs to be deleted.” I have no idea who DeLisle is, but he clearly does not understand lawsuits and the service of lawsuits. After obtaining evidence that I will link below of Gibbons’ stalking me for years in secret on Facebook in her countless Facebook postings about me I sought to have Gibbons properly served and diligently locate her.

Because Gibbons is desperate to distract people from these facts, she keeps lying, even to the court, to misrepresent my proper service of my lawsuit against her to act as if she is somehow the victim. As evidence shows, Gibbons has been secretly stalking me for years. And in truth Gibbons was served successfully. This is why this Facebook employee is being sued. Gibbons has lied about this, for instance, to [media trash like] the Daily Mail in her desperate media smear campaign against me. And Gibbons continues to keep lying to the court about this. Gibbons and DeLisle’s criminal conspiracy to murder my life online and offline is related to how I have been stalked in regard to places where I have lived.

Interestingly Gibbons has also been forced to admit under oath that:

11) she attacked me for my reasonable criticisms of the CIA , Central [Un]Intelligent Agency, its criminal control of the mainstream media and their criminal relationship with unlawful monopoly and criminal surveillance platforms such as Facebook. Gibbons has also been forced to admit under oath that:

12) she violated Facebook’s rules of public safety, electronic harassment, cyberbullying, gang-stalking and defamation. Finally, Gibbons has been forced to declare under oath by the court that:

13) she participated in the electornic harassment, cyberbullying, gang-stalking and defamation of my person.

The above-noted under oath admissions by Gibbons are linked to my motion for my requests for admission to be deemed admitted having been granted by the court and which I will link below so you can read all the moving papers yourself as well as the judge’s ruling and this includes evidence of Gibbons’ severe defamation, stalking and conspiracy to harm my person:




Meanwhile I have also filed motions and applications to have more defendants who are anonymous and/or running from this lawsuit like Elly Shariat so that they can be served by publication and/or unmasked, identified, located and served. These motions are currently pending and/or set for early October.


Motion for order authorizing limited third-party discovery



Application for Publicaiton of Summons Re: Defendant Elly Shariat



And another defendant, Amy Blalock, who has in bad faith filed bankruptcy to elude the justice she deserves for her malicious defamation and involvement in Gibbon’s paid Facebook hit-job on me has failed to dismiss my adversary complaint against her federal bankruptcy court.




This means that my case against Blalock and her role in Gibbons’ Facebook conspiracy to murder me will go forward. The only question is whether or not it will be heard in state court with Gibbons or separately in federal bankruptcy court.


What do you think is more just?


There is a hearing set to decide this in early October about which I shall also be providing an update.


And based upon new evidence of harassment, gang-stalking, defamation, cyberbulling as well as the above-noted admissions by Gibbons I have filed a motion for leave to file a second amended complaint the link to which I will provide here:




Although my case continues to gain strength, I also continue to face the corruption that we all know has infected and degraded the American legal system. Only with your support can I continue to stand in the way of their evil plan to extort and finally murder us by forcing us to exist only on their unlawful surveillance platforms such as Facebook. They want us to do this because then we then have no rights especially if they decide to “delete” i.e. murder us.


And one last thing: although I am grateful for your support I also want to say that if you don’t have extra money, please do not donate. I can already feel your support in spirit, beyond the machine languages mediating our primal spirits, and I am thankful for your spiritual support as well.


Remember, money is by nature a dirty, evil thing that we humans have yet to confront.

Don’t know what I mean when I say money is dirty?

That’s probably because you are too busy trying to get filthy rich.


Please check back soon as I will be providing updates more regularly.


Thank you friends,

good afternoon and good luck.

  • Lucas Murrey
  • 19 September 2024
  • 685

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