- Lucas Murrey
- 23 March 2022
- 200
We live in a tragic time. This is one of the few things on which we seem to agree. Everything else: social behavior, political values, media we absorb and vomit up, polarizes and isolates. Related to this dismemberment is a lack of clarity about what is actually happening. But what I would like to briefly address is that which underlies that which we do not know, specifically our tendency to accept the unknown. What do I mean? Let me clarify by way of a few examples.
Before Bernie Sanders betrayed the wind in his back from the Occupy Wall Street movement, he attached an audit of the Federal Reserve’s emergency bailout programs by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 which was released in 2011.
Who cares?
We should. Not only was it clear that Citigroup had been insolvent most of the time. It also showed what the GAO audit failed to audit: $29 trillion dollars had been transferred at the Fed in secrecy in dollar swap lines and other Fed bailout programs in cumulative loans.
But $29 trillion is peanuts, am I right? Who curs if a few dollas git scurd and go missing? And in a few days from now, on 31 March 2022, the names of the entities that borrowed from three emergency bailout facilities that the Fed “deployed” in 2020 – and the amounts borrowed – will be in good faith disclosed by said Wall Street companies. Right?
Wrong. They usually fight these things up to the aSupreme Court and then still do not comply.
So what do we actually know?
We know that the Fed initiated said emergency repo loan operations just before the man-made “pandemic” on 17 September 2019 i.e. just before the financial crisis of 2020
But hey, said emergency repo loan operations continued into July 2020…so maybe we can still fabricate a causal connection to COVID19?
The total repo loans of the Fed for the fourth quarter of 2019 was $19.87 trillion (let’s just call it $20 trill) i.e. 4.4 times the “trade amount” column.
Interestingly, the media hardly reported on any of this. Maybe it’s not worth their attention? So why am I wasting your time writing about it?
Let me bore you a little longer. Parents of the trading houses that received over sixty percent of said $20 trill in 2019 (JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs) coincidentally are shareowners of the regional New York Fed which handled a majority of the 2008 and 2019-2020 bailout loans which reinvented the essence of the word “shadowy”. In particular, said entities share ownership with Morgan Stanely and the Bank of New York Mellon all of whom account for two-thirds of the eight Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs) within the United States of Amurica. How’s that for paper liquidity son? Nuclear secret money on crack. Though not something the media would feel compelled to report?
But I get it, enough about money already. If like the media, you don’t feel the above is relevant, what about the Ukraine?
Interesting thing about the Ukraine: the Azov battalion. This is a serious, dangerous Nazi organization. And nobody seems to know from where they came. Victoria Nuland’s concern that Russia may seize “Biological Research Facilities” implies another unknown similar in nature to said Nazi ghost dancing on the thin ice of our present. Nobody seems to know where these “Biological Research Facilities” originated, either.
But here’s the thing: It’s not that nobody knows: Is the Azov force a Frankenstein of the CIA i.e. a throw-back to the days of Operation Paperclip after WWII, or an evil flower of Putin? It’s not only that nobody can agree about the origin of these things and this conflict. It’s that we don’t care that we don’t know.
But why?
Certainly there is a small number of individuals orchestrating our ignorance. But ironically even they – let’s call them “the secret group” – do not understand the issue that has still to be explored and named: money.
Let me return, one more time, to this unbearably boring issue. As Richard Seaford has shown, money was invented in early historic Greece. The problem with this new man-made technology (money) is that, along with creating limitless relationships, it also absorbs everything in the natural world, including us, into its unlimited abstraction and greed and neglect it tends to incite. I have discussed this issue in regard to the dangerous visual essence that not only accompanies, but also from which money and its danger arise. By creating said visual element and money our recent early historical ancestors have altered our species within the past few thousand years in ways that we have yet to confront.
But the ancient Greeks knew about the dangers of money – and anonymity. One thinks of the myth of the ring of Gyges. Anonymity breeds crime. What the secret group has done is to normalize, even heroize anonymity. This is why it’s not that we don’t know what is happening that is the problem. The problem is that nobody is interested in the fact that we don’t know anything – since it’s all anonymous anyway. This is more dangerous than a Nazi battalion. It is the evil source from which such evil comes.
Our civilization is built upon an unconscious and dangerous relation to money that we have still to explore. Because money permeates all life as we know it, we do not know anything about anything. This faux natural state of primal ignorance is precisely what the secret group, though they also know nothing about money, know and weaponize. This is how the regional federal reserves and a few companies can make $29 trillion dollars disappear. This is how the media can invoke a ghostly Nazi battalion while failing to explore it roots: faux magic before a sea of semi-conscious somnambulists who cannot awaken and see the technology ruling their lives.
True, we cannot reverse this ancient tragedy overnight. But by identifying the underlying issue, what I call the monetized unknown which describes the normalization of not knowing things that we should actual know for us to flourish as a life-form – including, of course, the history and essence of money –, we can begin to question and resist said dangerous norms lulling us into our primeval ignorance. Such an awakening would facilitate the questioning and resistance of the anonymity that money breeds and which the secret group exploits. Think of a few individuals using their anonymous authority to force a chain-command causing billions to suddenly wear masks, rendering countless beautiful faces anonymous without any real pretext of protecting their health, and thus purely psychological in nature. Until we liberate ourselves from our everyday forced participation in anonymous crime, we drift further away from our true nature and mystery, what I call the Dionysiac unknown.
- Lucas Murrey
- 23 March 2022
- 200
Video Summary with AI Text
- Lucas Murrey
- Mar 12
- 159