  • Lucas Murrey
  • 01 December 2024
  • 216



The Dr. Murrey Report

1 December 2024


Artifical Intelligence (“A.I.”)


I didn’t vote this past election. Nor should you have. The style of collection and software used to tally the vote is neither transparent nor honest. Of course we have had the tech since at least 2018 to remedy this problem and make voting genuine with Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (“BSV”). This is why BSV has been permitted to die without a whimper. One thinks of the mainstream news – and now the mainstream alternative news – failing to properly report on the Palestinian Holocaust. One thinks also of our anonymous money system of federal reserve notes. The trillions of oil-backed United States dollars that took over the Bitcoin (“BTC”) parade (with help from CIA assets like Peter Todd who disfigured it into a multi-trillion-dollar distraction). Trillions of dollars that the century-old Rothschild and Rockefeller (“R&R) cabal created out of thin air. Exactly the same as the trillions created during Covid-19 by Vanguard’s Blackrock.

Like an idiot I voted Obama for his first term in 2008. But Obama’s failure to prosecute a single bank after the banking crisis made it clear that the Chicago mafia to which he is beholden is the same one controlling the United States. The next election I voted Green. I was roundly demonized for hating Jews and women, though the candidate to whom I pledged my vote: Jill Stein, is a Jewish woman. I guess to make sure I am idiot, I even donated $100 to the Green party. I still receive unsolicited emails whose addresses I now have to “block”. Meanwhile “climate champions” from Goldman Sachs have decided to help out with the environment, since they have such a good record.

But the good news is that since 2016 I stopped voting. I no longer give the Rothschild and Rockefeller (R&R) cabal my adrenals. Instead, I save and deploy my soul for things that actually matter.


Let’s talk about artificial intelligence (“AI”). Here is a link to an AI generated discussion of recent legal papers I filed that someone sent to me:




            Nothing in this discussion should be misconstrued as legal advice. In fact, the AI gets vital things about these pleadings wrong, if some of its discussion is of interest. The least uncanny “coincidence” is how this AI representation falsely acts as if those controlling its design: pet dogs of the R&R cabal like the CIA, are not involved in manipulating perception on social media. I urge you to look at my actual fillings on sickoscoop.com/lucas and compare them to this entertaining, but finally absurd and incorrect representation of my recent legal papers:










            This raises the question: Why is AI acting as if the CIA is not doing what we know it is doing?[1]

            But the answer is clear. It is the same artificial problem we suffer when voting: AI seeks to function as a centralized set of anonymous algorithms within a like-wise anonymous data-center that imperceptibly manipulates people so we become more ignorant and docile “hackable aninamls”, to borrow a phrase from the Zionist psychopath and amateur philosopher Yuval Harai. In other words, AI is only a primitive tool of the CIA and national security state to hide how they are controlling you through social media like Facebook.

            Don’t believe me? You probably are unaware that Zuckerberg and Facebook are merely the front-man and front-landing-webpage of the pentagon and department of defenses’ failed “Lifelog” project after 9/11 to surveille all foreign and domestic peoples. Are you aware of the early investor of Facebook: Peter Thiel? Thiel controls not only the vice president Vance. He is also a Bilderbeg committee member (are you aware of Bilderberg?). Interestingly, Thiel is not only friends with other “republicans” like Elon Musk via Thiel’s Palentir also seeded by the CIA’s shaddy venture capital firm In-Q-Tel (are you aware of the “pre-crime” approach of Total Information Awareness? and other governmental spy agencies like Nasa, think Michael Griffin?). Thiel sits on the Bilderberg committee alongside Eric Schmidt, the ex-CEO of Google.

            But how is it possible, you may ask, that impassioned “democrats” and “republicans” like Schmidt and Thiel, respectively, sit across from one another on the same committees seeking to make the world a better place?

            Answer: The two-party system in American is a scam. Both parties have the same goal: the fusion of AI with individuals to increase control, censorship and, if necessary, “deletion” of us people. Consider the 5G rollout considered one of the few “essential businesses” during the Covid-19 SCAMDEMIC. 6G and 7G are coming. And with Musk’s “starlink” and contracts just obtained by the R&R boy Brendan Carr at the Fderal Communications Commission (“FCC”) the sick dream of (yes another psychopathic Zionist) Ray Kurzweil will be possible. An all-consuming electromagnetic “cloud” amplified by graphene oxide conveniently injected into the herd recently (yes, I’m taking about Covid-19 fake vaccines) will allow connections to the human brain and body so that the mind, thought and emotions will be dictated by AI. Having been dumbed down so dramatically “woke” leftists are walking right into this death-prison thinking they will become gods and goddesses. The fascist right, ever so slightly less stupid than those on the left, are now being told by Trump (controlled by the Zionist Rothschild antenna Wilbur Ross since the 1990s) and brain-chipping Musk that they have no choice but to allow AI into their lives, lest they be left behind.

            This is why I am calling attention to the subtle absurdity of this AI generated discsussion of my legal papers. We need a new online app and platform whereupon our genuine identities can have genuine privacy from this unlawful mafia and we can take shelter from the R&R onslaught of social media brainwashing. I am currently working on this. I hope to have available a messaing app soon for us to communicate and exchange non-federal reserve money with the real Bitcoin (BSV). For the real Bitcoin SV is not about getting rich, but about transcending the money-greed killing our species. This takes a great deal of time, energy and resources. I am thankful for any and all support, in particular support received from those who obtain BSV via e.g. rockwallet.com and donate to my cause on sickoscoop.com/lucas.

Then again, I could just be another crazy “conspiracy theorist”: a perjorative term coined by the CIA on 1 April 1967 to stop anyone from thinking about Kennedy’s death. If that’s what you think, then I wish you well while AI is used to provide censorship for the left and monitor boarders and migrants for the right. Oh – I almost forgot – Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy will also be cleaning up government.. with AI. What a coincidence before the excitement of the next election!


Please check back soon as I will be providing updates more regularly.


Thank you friends,

good morning and good luck.

[1] https://www.mintpressnews.com/meet-ex-cia-agents-deciding-facebook-content-policy/281307/


  • Lucas Murrey
  • 01 December 2024
  • 216

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